Breitner Arango's profile

ST. EVEN Navidad 2014

CampaƱa de navidad centradaĀ en el producto que muestra la ropa interior de cerca destacando sus detalles como un regalo perfecto para Navidad
A christmas campaign focused on product that shows lingerie close up highlighting its details like a perfect gift for christmasĀ 
Concepto / Concept
Regala amor, magia, brillo, comodidad, delicadezaĀ y sensualidad,
en navidad vive todos los detallesque tenemos para ti.
Vive la navidad,Ā Vive los detalles,Ā #YOVIVO ST. EVEN
Give love, magic, brightness, comfort, delicacy and sensuality,
in christmas lives all details we have for you.
Lives the Christmas, lives the details, I live ST. EVEN
Lives the details,
I live ST. EVEN,
and what do you live?
ST. EVEN Navidad 2014

ST. EVEN Navidad 2014

A christmas campaign focused on product that shows lingerie close up highlighting its details like a perfect gift for christmas by ST. EVEN
